
kee-Tree is now at version 1.0, It supports browser IE>=8,Firefox,Chrome,Safari, Opera. It works well in IE6 but will not guarantee to be supported in the future change.


Compiled and minified CSS, JavaScript and original source files are included.

Download kee-Tree

Install via NPM

You can install via NPM "npm install kee-tree"

Setup in the code

Assumeing you have extract the dowloaded file under the current folder. First step to include the resource in the html code.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/kee-tree.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="kee-tree.js"></script>

Getting started

Though kee-Tree do not depend on any other framework, but to run this example, we need depend on jquery. You can use any other framework or not, anyway, kee-Tree is able to work without any other framework. Let's get started with some example.

Basic usage

Create a simple tree have two depth of children

//where the tree will placed
var cont = document.getElementById("sc-example-basic-usage");

//create a tree, to: is the element to place the tree in
var tree = new kzg.Tree({ to: cont });
//create a top level of node
//tree: the tree object 
//text: the text will show on the node
//iconCls: the class name of the node icon, you also can use property icon to specify a image url
var gNode = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: "demos", icon:'http://nonexists.png' ,iconCls: 'demoicon' });
tree.addNode(tree.root, gNode);

//create 2nd level children under the node demos	
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	var node = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: i + '' });
	tree.addNode(gNode, node);
//you can access node's children by property children
gNode.children[0].setCaption('change node caption.');

Change to another style only with one config change.

//showline: another style of tree, default is false								
var tree = new kzg.Tree({ to: cont , showline:true});

Collapse/Expand node by code.

//collapse the node
//the first argument: true/false:expand/collapse 
//the second argument: true/false do/or not the same thing to its children  

Find node by key.

//create 2nd level children under the node demos	
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	var node = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: i + '' });
	tree.addNode(gNode, node);
	for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
		//again. the key must be unique in the whole tree.
		var cn = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: i + '--' + k, key: i + '--' + k});
		tree.addNode(node, cn);

//make the node with key '2--3' selected.

Events Collapse/Expand

kee-Tree will trigger collapse/expand event when a node collapses/expands.

var ln = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: "expand me to load...", expandStyle: "always" });

//the kzg.oe function take 3 arguments.
//it will register callback to a specified object
//1: the object will broadcast the event
//2: the event type
//3: the callback

//a 'collapse' event will trigger when the node collapsed
kzg.oe(ln, 'collapse', function (e) {
	//the argument of the call back have a peoperty src
	//which is the first argument of the oe function
	//clear the children
	e.src.setCaption("expand me to load...");
var callback = function (e) {
	var node = e.src;
	var inv = window.setInterval(function () {
		tree.addNode(ln, new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: "lazy-1" }));
		tree.addNode(ln, new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: "lazy-2" }));
	}, 2000);
//a 'expand' event will trigger when the node expand
kzg.oe(ln, 'expand', callback);
//you can use kzg.ue(ln, 'expand', callback) to unregister the callback

tree.addNode(gNode, ln);							

Events select,conextmenu

'select' event will trigger when a node being selected. kee-Tree also support contextmenu event.

//select event will trigger
kzg.oe(tree, 'select', function () {
	alert('tree.selectedNode:' + tree.selectedNode.caption);

//context menu event
tree.oncontextmenu = function (e, node) {
	alert('context menu on node ' + node.caption);

	return false;

CheckBox Node

Add checkbox node is easy.

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
	//the type argument set to checkbox
	var node = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: "checkbox" + i, type: kzg.Tree.CHECKBOX });
	tree.addNode(gNode, node);
	for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
		//the type argument set to checkbox
		var cn = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: "checkbox" + i + '-' + k, type: kzg.Tree.CHECKBOX });
		tree.addNode(node, cn);
	//set it checked by code
	//argument 1: true/false - checked/unchecked
	//argument 2: true/false - its children checked/unchecked(default is false)
	//argument 3: true/false - fire or not the click event(default is false)
	//note: this method can't be called before this node is added to the tree
	//set the label style
	jQuery(node.label).css('margin-left', '5px');
	//the click event will trigger when checkbox button clicked
	kzg.oe(node, 'click', function (e, data) {
		var node = e.src;
		//the checked property of the node show the status of the checkbox
		alert('node ' + node.caption + ' is ' + (!node.checked ? 'unchecked' : 'checked'));
		node.children.forEach(function(nc) {
		}, this);
	//also you can access the checkbox dom element directly by checkbox peroperty
	jQuery(node.checkBox).on('click', function (e) {
		alert('checked -- ' +;

RadioBox Node

Radiobox can be add with type specified to kzg.Tree.RADIOBOX.

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
	//the type argument set to checkbox
	var node = new kzg.TreeNode({ tree: tree, text: "radiobox" + i, type: kzg.Tree.RADIOBOX });
	tree.addNode(gNode, node);
	//set the label style
	jQuery(node.label).css('margin-left', '5px');
//the radio node under the same node parent will have the same name, so they are a group.
var childNode2 = gNode.children[1];
//setRadioCheck of the node will make it checked
//note: this method can't be called before this node is added to the tree
//after add to the tree, you can access the radiobox directly via node.rdoBox
	alert('checked -- ' +;
//the rdocheckchanged event will trigger when radio check value changed in a radio group
//the radio nodes under the same node will have the same name
kzg.oe(gNode, 'rdocheckchanged', function (e, data) {
	alert('radio select changed from ' + data.preNode.caption + ' to ' + data.curNode.caption);